Page name: fuck the main stream [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-01-11 11:19:22
Last author: Mortified Penguin
Owner: The Dark Wolf
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Welcome to the "Praise the main stream" Wiki

The only Wiki on elftown where you can rant rave and bitch about what ever you want when ever you want and get feed back advice and a friend to just here you out.
only one rule!!!!!
i hate fighting and i will kick you off. thank you enjoy.

If you have a question about this wiki, see the comment box or message me [The Dark Wolf].

Cussing screaming and bitching are welcomed!

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LET IT OUT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

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2007-04-11 [TwiztidYoshi03]: <.<... Nice wiki???


2007-04-12 [The Dark Wolf]: I know!!! wicked uh? lol... so what pisses you off?

2007-04-12 [TwiztidYoshi03]: Everything... Lmao

2007-04-13 [The Dark Wolf]: what anger's me the most is people that are ass holes to you for just what clothes you were!!!! yea i were a lot of black and keep to my self BFD!

2007-04-13 [TwiztidYoshi03]: BFD?

Well it doesn't matter to me what people think of what I wear... I wear black, it doesn't matter. I wear anything I feel like wearing. Yes, I get rude comments every now and again, but I don't let that bug me.

2007-04-14 [The Dark Wolf]: BFD- big fucking deal
yea but it gets anoying after a wile, i'm in black with blue hair and my family hates me cuse i'm not cheearing for my high shool wereing a too short skirt like some robot and envolve in more school stuff.

2007-04-14 [♥Lex;;™]: hehe.... BFH!

2007-04-14 [The Dark Wolf]: did i have to ask? lol

2007-04-14 [♥Lex;;™]: hehe.. BHF-Bitch from hell!! i love yoruchi!!! hehe..

2007-04-14 [TwiztidYoshi03]: Well that's your parents fault, not yours. You are your own person. Do as you please. Your parents are just full of themselves if they can't accept you the way you are. It's their problem.

2007-04-15 [♥Lex;;™]: haha.. yup

2007-04-15 [♥Lex;;™]: ok this is what a guy said to me...

"Do not care.

No I don't really see the funny part.

Everyone, lol, ppl, plz, ect. All show a lack of effort in actually typing. Which is very, very sad. Its a few more keys.
Learn to type please.

Ok bye.
I did not know it was possible to "understood" anything.

Sorry if I come off as a "***hole" but I am."


This is what i said back. hehe... enjoy...

"Ok then.

I will appologize for my miss-spelling and whatever else I did to you. And I take it you do not have a very wide since of humor.

Also i would like to clarify that "dood" is a word I may use as I please. Whether you or any other person in this world, likes it or not.

And yes I can certainly tell you are an "***hole."

So with sincere appologies. Thank you and Au Revoir to you as well.

PS: As long as we're clear I would like to also say that I have every right to spell any which words I type to be miss-spelled, Abbreviated, and as Jacked up as I wish.

PS PS: You forgot to make the "a '***hole'" as "an '***hole'." It's only FAIR I correct your spelling errors after you have done to me.

PS PS PS: I would like to add one last thing. Even though I have appologized does not mean I mean it. It seemed like the proper thing to do.

Thanks again and have a wonderful night."

am i harsh or what? hahaha

2007-04-15 [TwiztidYoshi03]: Well, if you think you are then I guess you are. I also hate when people can't type. The only things I don't care about is: "lol,lmao,or brb". Those don't bug me. But when people can't spell period, that's what really bugs me. I mean come on, you people are on a computer, there is a dictionary website. FUCKING USE IT! .>.<. People these days.

2007-04-16 [♥Lex;;™]: hmmm oky dokes then?

2007-04-16 [The Dark Wolf]: yea see i cant spell worth a damn. and i know it, and i'm sorry if it bugs people. but i really cant help my poor high school teachings. A/W.... i went out and got a tattoo this weakend. (a clover on the left side of my chest) its some thing i like and will never stop liking, and i was pumped to show it off.... <img:44166_1164218141.gif> why is it when you have some thing you love no body can get over them selfs and say some thing nice... i mean come on people it looks good!!!!

2007-04-16 [The Dark Wolf]: i will be putting pix on my elftown page when i can of my tattoo. <img:stuff/lo-gif.gif>

2007-04-16 [♥Lex;;™]: YAY! lol... *hugglez*

2007-04-16 [TwiztidYoshi03]: High school teachings? Come on now, you're really going to blame it on your high school? .>.<. You went to Elementary and Middle School, right? That's when you learn how to spell words. But I don't see how you even made it to middle school, when you can't spell "weakend". It's weekend. Or "them selfs", hun it's themselves. Simple words that you can't even spell. Wow.

2007-04-16 [♥Lex;;™]: geez ya dont gotta be so defensive about the way we spell on the enternet...

it really doesnt matter unless you're writing a damn email to someone inportant or a paper for school...

wikis are just for chatting and fun... so can we lay off ppl's spelling and grammar?

and if you really cared you can make your own wiki where people like you can use your proper english all you want... but other wiki's some people just have to live with the way they are gonna talk...

i mean we're not the only people who type improper.. .and you sure as hell cant change the worlds grammar... so... live with it... thats all i have to say...

2007-04-16 [TwiztidYoshi03]: "The only Wiki on elftown where you can rant rave and bitch about what ever you want when ever you want"

Only doing what it says, babe. This is what this wiki is about, isn't it? Yeah. So you lay off. :D

2007-04-16 [♥Lex;;™]: meeeeoow... geez... so angry... haha... and hey hey now! i am not yoooooour babe... get it?

got it?

ha GOOD! haha

2007-04-16 [TwiztidYoshi03]: Wow, you're so immature. Grow the fuck up.

2007-04-16 [♥Lex;;™]: fuck you bitch!

and im not "IMMATURE" i just know how to have fun!

unlike "some people"

2007-04-16 [TwiztidYoshi03]: Hahaha... My point exactly, you are immature. I love this. You just really need to grow up hun, and seriously get a life. Why are you bitching? It's the internet, babe. Grow the fuck up. Thank you :D

2007-04-16 [♥Lex;;™]: grrr... the only bitch in here whos bitching is you... and!

" 'The only Wiki on elftown where you can rant rave and bitch about what ever you want when ever you want'

Only doing what it says, babe. This is what this wiki is about, isn't it?" ....

so i can bitch all i want.....<img:stuff/shadN-gif.gif> and yea sure i dont really give a shit as to what you think i am... so... w/e and if u consider me immature than i guess youre gonna have to deal with it.. im not gonna change for ANYONE!


2007-04-17 [TwiztidYoshi03]: You know what, just shut the fuck up. I don't care about you or anything. Your an immature piece of shit.

Discussion is over between us.

Have a wonderful life. :D

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